

Monday, February 18, 2013

About my daily routine



My day:

I usually get up at eight o'clock, then, I have breakfast. I always drink a cup of milk ad I sometimes eat some cereals. 

At twenty-five past eight I leave home and I go to school by bike. There, we study a lot of subjects like Maths, Catalan, Social Studies, Spanish and Science. My favourite subject is Spanish.

At half past one I have lunch by bike. I do all my homework and I study. I watch TV and I play the piano too. Almost every day I have activities after school like dancing, music classes, painting classes, English lessons...

When I finish my homework and I finish my day activity I have dinner with my family. I usually go to bed at half past ten.

My week:

On my week I do some activities. On Monday I go to an English lesson, on Tuesday and on Thursday I go to music classes and on Friday I have a piano class and a painting class.

My weekend:

On Saturday I usually get up at ten o'clock because I go to a theater class. In the afternoon I sometimes meet my friends and we go to the cinema. And on Saturday afternoon I sometimes go shopping too. 

My favourite day:

My favourite day is Sunday. I usually get up at eleven o'clock. In the morning I have breakfast, I watch TV, I chat on the internet, and I finish my homework. Then I have lunch at home. In the afternoon I watch a film and I sometimes meet my friends. I usually have dinner at a restaurant. I read and I go to bed at eleven o'clock



1. Presentation:
Did the powerpoint help your presentation? Yes, my powerpoint help my presentation.
Did you talk/show the photos to the audience? I didn't show the photos to the audience, but I talked about them.

2. Body language/eye contact:
Did you look at the audience most of the time? I tried to do it, but I look at the powerpoint a lot too.
Did you stop to separate the different parts of your speech? Yes, but not too much. I was so nervious.
Did you smile and do gestures to hold the attention of the audience? I didn't smile and do gestures to hold the attention of the audience...

3. Structure:
Did you introduce yourself and the topic? Yes, I did.
Did you organise your ideas before start? Yes, I did.
Did you use discourse markers? (first, then, later...) Yes, I used them, but not too much.
Did you finish it properly? I finished it good. But I can do it better... I think so.

Was the information too long/short? I think the information wasn't too long or short.
Did you introduce interesting information for the audience? Not too much. I was quite boring.

5. Language:
Are there any important grammar mistakes? I don't think so.
Did you use sentence linkers? (and, but...)Yes, I did.
Did you use new vocabulary from the dictionary? Yes! Wich words? Almost.
Did you use fillers? (Well, you know, for example, one second...) No, I will try to use them next time.

6. Pronunciation/intonation:
Did you know how to pronounce all the words? Yes, I did. Did you check the dictionary, a classmate or your teacher? No, because I knew how to pronounce all the words.
Did you speak calm and slowly? Yes, calm, but "slowly" not too much. But I think this point is OK.
Did you change your tone or you used the same monotone? I used the same monotone all the time.
Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I did some breaks sometimes.

7. Self-evaluation:
You are your teacher! What mark did you get? My mark is: 6.5

Maria S.
She has breakfast at eight o'clock. She goes to funky classes. She goes to the cinema with her friends. Her favourite day is Saturday.

He has a shower in the morning. He goes to football classes three days a week. On his favourite day, Saturday, he plays football and also computer games.

Xènia S.
Xènia goes to school by bike. Every Saturday morning, she goes to a theater class. On Saturday she also visit her grandparents, but her favourite day is Friday.

Laia gets up at half past seven. On Tuesday she goes to Maths class. On Saturday she gets up at ten o'clock, but her favourite day is Sunday.

Jordi has lunch at two o'clock at the school's canteen. On Tuesday he goes to English lessons. Saturday is his favourite day, he gets up at nine o'clock.

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